Volunteering for
The Scottish Society of Ottawa

Join our great volunteer team and share the experience; help out the SSO; build the Scottish community and make new friends and contacts!

We are looking for enthusiastic volunteers year round to assist with all of our events and those that we attend including the Summer Highland Games in Maxville, and Almonte, and the New Edinburgh Street-fest. We especailly need support for our biggest event of the year, Hogman-eh! Ottawa’s only public New Years eve celebration at Aberdeen pavilion requires over 100 volunteers. Jobs include Setup Crew, Gate Attendants, Safety Team, Kid’s Zone, VIP Experience staff, Hall of Origins, and Tear Down Crew.

This is just one of the many exciting events and projects we look forward to sharing with Ottawa residents and beyond. We think there’s an appetite for a number of Scottish themed events, from Burns suppers to discussions of current affairs, from gathering to watch sporting events to Scottish dance and music.

We need a great team of leaders and volunteers to work together to build the organization, folks to plan and execute Hogman-eh!, our Gala Burns Supper, a festival of Scottish-themed events running through December and January for our Annual OttScot Festival, and to coordinate our National Great Canadian Kilt Skate.

Volunteer terms run from May to April. All volunteers must agree to adhere to our Volunteer Code of Conduct.

Current vacancies


  • Vice Chair - The Vice Chair plays a strong leadership role on the Executive and Board, working collaboratively with the Chair and all Board members to achieve the mission of the SSO. S/he steps in for the Chair at Board meetings and public appearances if the Chair is not available.

  • Communications - The Communications Director is responsible for Marketing and Public Relations; chair of Communications Committee; communications include social media, membership newsletter, website, media outreach, promotion; chair of the Communication Committee, and other duties as assigned.

  • Volunteer Director - Recruits, trains, manages volunteers for SSO events; other duties as assigned.

  • Development (funds) Director - The Development Director manages Corporate Sponsors/donors and grant applications by soliciting past and prospective donors, completing grant applications, recognition and overall stewardship of sponsors and grant funders, recruitment of additional volunteers for the Development Committee, updating fundraising communication materials (with the support of the Communications Director) and providing an annual engagement with the organization’s accountant to ensure accurate reporting of funding revenues.

  • Hogman-eh! Director - Planning and coordination of Hogman-eh; chair of the Hogman-eh Committee; other duties as assigned.

  • Burns Supper - Planning and coordination of the annual Burns Supper; chair of the Burns Supper Committee; other duties as assigned.

  • Special Events Director - Planning and coordination of Special Events of the Society, including but not limited to Gaelic Lessons, Whisky Tasting, and any activities held during the OttScot Festival (excepting Hogman-eh, Burns Supper, and Kilt Skate); as well as other duties as assigned.

  • Logistics - The Logistics person is responsible for the storage, accounting, and maintenance of the SSO’s equipment, which includes: a Pop up tent, Pop-up Banner, table, table cloth, photo Frame, 2 Cutouts from the show Outlander, two SSO banners (1 large, 1 small) and various props and stationary, used for the SSO booth at events. The task requires picking up, delivering, and returning, or arranging for pick-up and return of the gear from our storage facility near the Parkdale Farmer’s Market.

If you have any feedback, suggestions or would like to get involved, please let us know by submitting the form below.

The Scottish Society of Ottawa thanks you for your past, present and future commitment and support!